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Our Clients

From the largest of scale, to the smallest of detail, our wide ranging allows us to oversee an expanse of client projects.

GB Fabrication Birmingham

Outsourcing and Third Party Contractual Work
Our longstanding relations with some of the most exceptional names in architecture, building and construction lay testament to our strong work ethics and predictably high standard of work. We seek to be a name proudly associated with our partner companies. GB Fabrication are available for consult on contractual and outsourced work.

Direct Commissions and Residential Work
The team at GB Fabrication are available for direct commissions of work on residential properties and have the experience, care and attention required to create the project to the specifications you have in mind. We are available to assist and guide you through the process. Residential services most commonly undertaken are gates, perimeter fences, remote access and manual gates.

Specialist Sectors
Often businesses can find it difficult to source the skills required for specialised industries. Our metalwork experience lends itself to subjects such as custom metalwork for difficult to source replica components. Our teams attention to detail find us working on sensitive heritage projects using time-honoured traditional methods.

Our Client Sectors


We believe we are very competitive when it comes to pricing a project - and therefore offer clients a free no obligation quote.

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